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Getting Your Spouse on Board

Sometimes the biggest impediment to starting a mom business is your spouse.

Try to understand that your spouse may not have been exposed to the information that you’ve read and may only know about the myths of working from home and not the realities.

They may see it as just a hobby and not enough money to provide the family with what they need and that might scare him.

It’s up to you to get your spouse on board with your new venture in a good way so that you have the support you need to be successful.

Schedule a Serious Meeting with Your Spouse

  • The first step to is to set up a meeting without distractions.
  • You can go out to dinner to a place that is easy to talk and has wireless, or you can do it during a time the kids are sleeping or with the grandparents.
  • However you do it, you need to avoid distractions.

Remember, Timing is Important

  • Don’t hit your spouse with idea when you’re in debt, when things aren’t going well for him at work, or when the timing is all wrong.
  • Talk to them when they’re in a good mood and ready to listen.

Secure Financing

  • For a home based business you’re not going to need as much money to start your business but you will need some.
  • Get the numbers down on paper so you can explain to your spouse how you’ll accomplish your goals.

Compile the Research

  • It’s important to do your research in advance and know exactly what type of business you want to start before approaching your spouse.
  • Put it all in a PowerPoint slide show so that you can show him how serious you are and exactly what you need to get started and the projected income.

Put All Your Cards on The Table

  • Explain to your spouse how much money you can make, how many hours you will need to work, and how this will affect your family exactly.
  • If you lead with doing it for the kids, and for the family, you may get him on board faster.
  • Some spouses get on board faster when you show them the money first though. You’ll need to be the judge.

Plan Together How To Make It Work

  • When you get your spouse on board you can plan together how to get the business going in the early days.
  • Perhaps he’ll take care of after dinner baths and bedtime while you get some work done.

Set Priorities Right From the Beginning

  • The entire point of starting an at home business is having more family time, yet earning enough money to support that goal.
  • Ensure that you and your spouse are on the same page regarding family time and the importance you place on things like child care and housework versus quality time together and earning money.

Get your spouse on board

Get your spouse on board

When you come to your spouse with a realistic idea, set goals, and the financials all in place they’ll be impressed enough and take you seriously enough to give it a shot.

You must be very up front about what you need to make it all work.

Don’t take it all onto yourself to get the new business to work without any help from your spouse.

Do it right from the start and you won’t regret it.

Working at home can be very rewarding and lucrative.

You have to be realistic, but you should also dream big.

Make big goals; keep them super specific, and then craft a plan to make it happen.

Schedule it all in your calendar, then stick to the plan and soon you’ll be a very profitable and happy mom.

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