Another important factor is the time it takes to do a business.
A service based business essentially trades hours for dollars so you’ll need to have enough hours at a high enough rate to make the money you want to earn.
With a product based business you may be able to earn more without considering the hours as much.
However, with a service based business you can earn money faster which is why combining a product based business with a service based business is a good option for many who need to start earning faster.
For example you can start with a book, and then offer a service described in the book. This works great with life coaches.
Answering the questions below will help you identify what you can realistically do as a work at home business.
How Much Startup Cash Do You Have?
Do You Like Being Upfront or Behind the Scenes?
How Much Time Do You Have to Devote?
Once you identify the niche, your resources, and narrow down what you’ll do to earn money in your work at home business.
In addition to these questions, it’s important to understand what goes into the business you want to start and that you have the skills necessary to do it.
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