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10 Insidious Traps That Waste Online Entrepreneurs’ Time 2023

As an online entrepreneur, you have to be wary of insidious traps that waste your time. These traps can rob you of your energy, focus, and time if you allow them. You need to know they exist, block them, and stay alert.

These are 10 insidious traps that waste online entrepreneurs’ time and how to deal with them.


Many online entrepreneurs waste a lot of time reading and responding to emails. You might be surprised to learn that you spend about 2 hours daily on email.

It is advisable to limit the amount of time you spend on email. Set aside a few minutes to check your email and respond to your emails.

Web Surfing

There are times you are searching for important things only to end up surfing the web. This is especially the case when you open your social media accounts.

Make sure you track your time online. You cannot know you have a problem unless you measure it. After knowing the extent of online surfing, you should take steps to limit it.

Only surf the web when looking for important information. Avoid stopping by to check social media updates. Ensure your social media accounts are logged out always.


Research has shown that online entrepreneurs spend most of their time on meetings. Some meetings are a must. However, you should ensure they are short.

Understand when a meeting is necessary and when it is time-wasting.

Although it is necessary to get status updates, getting them through email is better than scheduling a meeting. Schedule for a meeting if only there is confusion.

When you call a meeting, make sure you send the agenda in advance. This ensures everyone is aware of what is required and all involved persons can prepare.


The work looks good, but it can be made better. Why not change the font? This is what is called perfectionism. You should avoid it at all costs.

The truth is that nearly everything can be improved by doing some tweaks. If you believe the task you were doing is nearly complete, you can set it aside and have a look after a day or later.

Not Delegating

Some online entrepreneurs like the DIY route. Although you are your own boss, it does not mean everything should be done by you. For instance, you want to be the writer, editor, designer, and SEO expert.

If you find you are not good at something, you need to learn how to do it. Unfortunately, this will end up taking a lot of your time.

Learn to delegate some tasks. This will free up a lot of your time. Determine some of the tasks that can be done by your employees and assign them with deadlines. Some tasks like accounting can be done by online systems, such as QuickBooks.

Constantly Looking for New Processes and Vendors

Sometimes you feel you are not getting the best services and prices. It is a good idea to carry out a periodic audit to find vendors that can offer better terms. Also, you might need to consolidate services with a single provider. This will make it easier to manage your bills and relationships.

Unfortunately, new processes come with a learning curve. Thus, you should not just try something new just because you need change.

Instead of wasting time looking for new processes and vendors, hire someone to do the legwork for you.

Being Disorganized

Very few people are natural organizers. Studies have shown that online entrepreneurs waste a lot of time because they are not organized.

Most people have not learned organizational skills that can help them deal with increasing demands and workloads.

Make sure you are always organized. This will reduce the amount of time you spend searching for missing documents.

Not Taking Breaks

It is a fact that you cannot concentrate for over 90 minutes without taking a break. Most online entrepreneurs are known to work for long hours without taking a break. Unfortunately, you will end up spending extra time on tasks.

For you to stay productive and focused, you should take routine breaks. This will ensure you are always refreshed and with renewed energy to tackle your tasks. Also, this will protect you against burnout.


Procrastinating is a time sucker. When left unattended, it becomes a vicious cycle that can leave you unproductive and demotivated.

You can avoid procrastination by breaking your working time into small manageable chunks. Try to do your most unenjoyable tasks in the morning.


Doing multiple things at the same time is counterproductive. Studies have shown that multitasking makes you less productive. This is because you need to switch between tasks instead of focusing on a single task at a time. Also, it can harm your brain.

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12 Social Media Marketing Mistakes To Avoid 2023

Social media marketing offers a huge potential to businesses when it is done right. It can help you grow your brand, improve your revenue, and grow your customer base.

However, if you are making certain social media mistakes, then your efforts can be futile. These are the 12 social media mistakes to avoid.

Dismissing Social Media Marketing

Some marketers believe social media is not effective for their industry or demographic. This is attributed to the misconception that social media is only for tech-savvy teenagers. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

Social media is now being used by all classes of people. If you have an effective social media marketing strategy, you can beat your competition hands down.

Not Having a Plan

No matter what you are doing, without a plan, you are likely to fail. This is also the case with social media marketing. Many marketers fall into this trap.

You need to approach social media the same way you do planning for other product promotional campaigns. Make sure there are specific goals, a budget, and a solid plan. The plan will outline what you want to achieve.

Failure to Network

Social media is not only about sharing posts. Having thousands of followers who are not your target market will have no impact on your results.

Instead, you should attract and engage people who have the same interests and views as yours. This will help you build and expand your network. In this way, you can increase the exposure of your content to millions of people.

Opening Too Many Accounts

Many marketers make the mistake of opening too many accounts on every social media network. Managing these accounts requires a lot of resources. It stretches the marketing budget and produces little results.

If you have a small budget, you should focus on the top social media platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. It is advisable to allocate more resources to the social network with promising results.

Using Irrelevant Hashtags

Before you use hashtags, make sure they are relevant to your brand. Using hashtags will increase the exposure of your content. However, you should only use hashtags your audience is following.

When creating content, make sure you research hashtags. This will ensure the content you produce is relevant.

Being Too Promotional

Customers are easily turned off by overly promotional marketing campaigns. Although you need to highlight your services and products, you should find a balance between value and promotional content.

It is advisable to build online relationships with your audience. As a result, you will engage them more.

Using Low-Quality Visuals

Studies have shown that customers move past social media posts with low-quality images or videos. Remember you have a few seconds to catch the attention of the target audience. Thus, you cannot afford to post bad visuals.

Graphics, images, and videos ought to be part of your strategy. Consider hiring an expert who specializes in creating visual content.

Not Responding to Customers

Recent studies have shown that customers are likely to buy your products if you respond to their questions on social media. Also, you are likely to build loyalty and some customers can share their positive experiences on their profiles.

You should make it imperative to respond to questions faster. As you know, customers are naturally impatient. If you delay answering them, they can lose confidence in your brand. You can use social monitoring tools to know when people have asked questions about your brand.

Not Tracking Your Performance

The good thing about social media marketing is that you can track your performance. When you track your results, you can make appropriate strategic changes in your target audience and campaigns.

For instance, if there is a non-performing ad, you can stop it. This will save you the money you can spend on other performing ads.

Remember it takes time and a lot of testing to get the desired results. Therefore, keep tracking and optimizing your social media campaigns.

Treating All Social Media Networks as Same

This is another social media marketing mistake to avoid. A lot of businesses post the same content on all their social platforms. Ideally, they copy-paste the same content.

Each social media network is unique in several ways. Also, they vary in terms of marketing tools, features, behaviors, interests, and demographics. You should take into account your marketing strategies and updates for social media networks.

Buying Followers

Buying social media followers is not even a mistake, it is a sin. Many brands have been caught buying followers or participating in exchange programs. Unfortunately, this does not bring any meaningful results. It only soothes the brand’s ego. Some brands have been banned forever for engaging in this activity. 

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Home-based Business – Top Ten Considerations 2023

Starting a home-based business is a very personal decision. Many will start a home-based business as a means of deriving additional income for their family. For those who may be considering the idea of business ownership featuring a product or service there may be questions about what type of home-based business might be right.

Below are a few ideas to help you internalize the possibilities of a home-based business. Ask yourself these questions.

  1. What skills do I have that would be beneficial to a home-business startup?
  2. What can I do that other people are not interested in doing for themselves?
  3. Can I use my current mode of transportation in the commission of a home-based business?
  4. Do I have a hobby that can be the launching pad for a home-based business?
  5. Can I use some of the things I know to facilitate a home-based business?
  6. Can existing appliances or tools in my home be used in a home-based business?
  7. Do I have a specific ability that might lend itself to developing a home-based business?
  8. Is there a way to use my home itself to develop a business that can exist within the home?
  9. Can I use my computer to develop a home-based business that may be separate from the Internet?
  10. Do I have the drive to start a home-based business or simply a mild curiosity?

Home-based businesses are routinely relied on for residual income. On the other hand they are a growing part of many family’s primary income.

There are many levels of commitment that can be expressed in the development of a home-based business. Many of the residual or supplementary income businesses can be essentially hands-free, while other businesses may require many hours each day to manage.

Sometimes home-based business does not result in a life of ease. It can be the hardest work you have every done. For some this is still the best possible scenario for earning a living. For others a home-based business may be ill suited to their individual temperament.

home-based business residual income

Home-based business – residual income

The Internet has provided a great launching pad for a variety of home-based businesses from specialty brownies to the manufacture of custom walking sticks. Every conceivable passion can be exhibited in home-based business and the Internet can provide access to a world-wide market for a highly personalized product or service.

If you are considering a home-based business look to identify your passion and gifts first, then try to identify a link to the Internet where your idea can gain a much wider audience.

Poker Games – Working Online at Home 2023

Britain is attempting to catch up with the rest of Europe in terms of providing its employees with the opportunity of working from home. It is one of the least flexible countries in the EU when it comes to allowing its workforce the opportunity to telework. But will this provide the opportunity for staff to play online games like poker or casino?

Only 20% of UK employees are given the opportunity to work from home, compared to countries like Denmark and Germany which have twice the numbers of people working from home.

However, this is likely to change dramatically in the near future, as many large organisations are putting plans together to ensure more and more employees are enticed to work from home. Companies like HSBC, Britain’s largest bank, threw its weight behind a program to remove 4000 of its London based staff from the group’s Canary Wharf building and get them working from home. Its latest challenge is to have around 50% of its headquarters empty in order to sub-let to someone else. It suggests the advances in technology should provide more of an opportunity for its staff in making the choice to come in to the office or work from home.

A report of the Chamber of Commerce last April showed that 38% of businesses offered staff the opportunity to work from home. A survey of its members suggested that 75% were engaged in providing some form of home work. One similar survey conducted by Peninsula, an employment law firm, suggested that 91% of workers polled, said they would love to work from home.

But how does working from home affect people’s work rate, and will it lead to abuse of company time. Will people, who are not being managed during office hours, use company time to go online and spend time looking at poker sites and other online gambling sites? Certainly in the office there are ways to block access to specific websites. However, working from home will provide less of an opportunity to prevent people from visiting online poker sites.

While it is estimated that home workers are 20% more productive and that absenteeism is down 63% for staff who work from home, it cannot be ignored that employees may utilise company laptops and company time to play online poker. Indeed jobs that do not require constant involvement, perhaps business development or customer services, where phone work or computer time may be sporadic, will offer gaps during the day which allow people to view the internet for brief moments, or perhaps keep an online poker game running in the background.

There are dangers in allowing more people to work from home. The social interaction that is gained at work disappears. Some people can become distant and feel isolated from the organisations they work for if they work continuously work at home. Surely this is another reason to believe that workers will search for other forms of communication during home office spells.

Work at home play online poker

Work at home play online poker?

Online poker games provide a further level of social interaction which can fill that gap. Chat rooms and interactive gambling games provide players with the opportunity to meet and greet people while having fun attempting to win money online.

So while we would all love to work from home it seems, it cannot be ignored that there is potential for isolation that will only lead to the search for improved social communication and perhaps an increase in the desire to play poker games online.

Membership Sites Today 2023

The topics for successful member only websites are as varied today as … short people, tall people, buying websites, unusual business ideas, selling stocks, paint ball, 2nd wives clubs, financial, dating, fitness, marketing and countless mentoring and coaching sites on almost every topic imaginable and probably a few you can’t imagine or wouldn’t want to imagine.

It takes some work and certainly the right tools to set up a members-only website but the rewards (monetary as well as personal satisfaction) can be huge. Whatever you are passionately interested in or very adept at can be the topic of a members-only website today.

One of the first types of membership sites on the Internet was the online dating site. In the beginning, they were mostly populated with nerds, weirdoes and perverts but as the Internet matured the sites became popular among people from all walks of life. They have even progressed so far as to offer pre-screening of members. Most porn sites are membership only sites.

There are membership sites today that cover just about every area of human interests. Some offer informational or teaching material that is only able to be accessed by site members. Some membership sites are able to be viewed by non members but non-members are not allowed to participate in the activities or post to the message boards on the site. Sites that provide information to find work-at-home jobs, for example, can see the listing of jobs but cannot apply for the jobs unless they are members of the membership site.

membership sites

Membership sites cover just about every area of human interests.

There are membership sites that provide instruction is such things as how to play a guitar. The lessons are accessible only to members of the site, although those who are not members can view what subjects are being taught in the lessons.

Membership sites usually accept payment for membership fees by credit card or by personal check.

Change the Way You Think 2023

To be successful blending your family with working from home in your business there are many ideas you may have had that you’ll need to let go.

There are many different work from home myths that you want to realize aren’t really true as you work toward changing the way you think.

Let Go of Pride

  • Never be afraid to ask for help from your family and friends.
  • If you need some quiet time to get some work done you’ll need to ask your family to do it so that you can get the work done for the sake of your business.

Let Go of Even Stevens

  • You’re not going to spend 50 percent of your time on your family and 50 percent of your time on your business.
  • It doesn’t work that way.
  • Some days you’ll spend more time with your family and others more time with your business.

Let Go of Self-Sacrifice

  • You don’t have to put yourself last to have a successful work from home business and a successful family life.
  • You need to put yourself first when it has to do with your needs.
  • Some needs are exercise, nutrition, socialization, and alone time.

Let Go of Traditional Schedules

  • In most cases, when you have a work from home business you don’t have to work traditional hours of 8 to 6, instead you can work full time around your life.

Let Go - Change the Way You Think

Let Go – Change the Way You Think

Let Go of Traditional Ideas of Work

  • When you start a work at home mom business the work that you will do may vary.
  • You might earn as a blogger, a YouTube star, or as a fitness coach.
  • The sky is truly the limit and only your imagination can keep you from making money online in your own business.

Let Go of Distractions

  • When you first start working from home it’s difficult to let the distractions of home fade into the background so that you can get some work done.
  • But, if you practice doing it every day it gets easier to accomplish.
  • Just do it every day and before you know it, it becomes a habit.

Let Go of the Idea of Overnight Success

  • While you will experience success quickly if you craft a plan of action and stick to it, it won’t be overnight.
  • For example, it can take one to three years to earn money as a blogger, shorter to earn as a service provider such as a graphic designer or virtual assistant.
  • Many people combine both types of business to get started fast.

You can’t let any of the myths stop you from working your home business and becoming successful.

Just because you won’t become super successful overnight, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t going to be as successful as you want to be eventually with the right plan of action.

Be Honest About What It Takes 2023

When you start any business it’s important to be honest with yourself about what it takes to get things done.

Keep track of the time, money and resources that you use so that you can project your future needs.

Keeping the books balanced will help you keep your business on track.

Freedom - What it takes

Freedom – What it takes

Time Freedom

  • Knowing how much time you’ll realistically need to spend on your business is important.
  • If you only have 2 hours a day to spend, you’ll need to ensure that you pick the right business to be in.

Money Freedom

  • Keeping track with a bookkeeping system is important because if you don’t have money to pay your taxes and expenses you’ll go out of business.

Personal Freedom

  • One of the best things about a work at home business is that you can adjust the time you spend on your business so that it works better with your life.
  • However, sometimes you have to put the business first.
  • If you always choose family and friends over your business, your business will fail.

By understanding the myths about working at home, you know – the sitting on the beach with your feet in the sand while your business magically generates millions of dollars fantasy – you can set up a more realistic business model that will be successful for you.

Types of Business Models for Work At Home Moms 2023

There are online and offline businesses that you can do from home.

There are advantages and disadvantages for both types of working from home.

Working online

  • Can allow you to earn a living without having to leave your house, thus eliminating the need for transportation, expensive clothing and child care expense.

Starting an offline work at home position

  • Can do much the same, but you may need to use part of your home such as with child care, or you may need to leave the house to sell something you made such as a painting, but still using your home as your office and base.

Online & offline work at home businesses

 Work from Home Sweet Home

Genuine Work From Home Jobs – They Do Exist 2023

There are genuine work from home jobs that do not require you to set up a website and they pay well. This allows you to work from home and set your own hours. Most of the genuine work from home jobs are on contract basis, where you work as a freelancer. This way you set your own fees without setting up your own business.

When you want to find jobs that let you work from home, your first concern is that they are legit work at home jobs. You want to take advantage of the benefits of working at home, but you don’t want to lose your hard-earned money through scams. Let’s face it, there are scams out there and many people think that all work at home opportunities fall into this category. However, there are many genuine work from home jobs that you can take advantage of and make a nice salary.

The thing is that when most people do find genuine work from home jobs, they don’t advertise it so they can take advantage of the opportunity it presents. There are many companies that will gladly pay you to work from home because this frees up capital for them. They do offer legit work at home jobs because they do not have to purchase equipment and they only pay for the work that gets done.

legit work from home jobs

Affiliate marketing is a great example of legit work from home jobs – CC BY-SA by JoshMacDonald

Medical billing, for example, is one of the many legit work at home jobs that you can have. Doctors will send you the list of bills that have to be sent out and with only the purchase of accounting software, you can do all the billing they need from home. Then when the bills are paid, you enter it in the system and deposit the money in the proper account. You get paid either a flat rate per bill you send out and collect on or a percentage of the money collected. As with all genuine work from home jobs, with medical billing you get paid to work at home.

Legal transcription is another of the genuine work from home jobs that are available. As with any job, these legit work from home jobs do require that you have training and expertise in the position you apply for. Companies will probably give you a trial assignment to see how well you work out and to make sure that you can do the job from home. Once you get started and build up a reputation, it won’t be long before you have offers for genuine work from home jobs.

There are many genuine work from home jobs that you can find if you look.

Free Work From Home Jobs – Do You Want A Job Or A Business? 2023

There are many different free work from home jobs you can do from home and start making some money. Simply, there are many telecommuting jobs that you can do working from home, and generating decent income. The best part about this is that you can do sell from home and generally work whenever you want; as long as you put it is the required amount of time each day, the company doesn’t really care when you were.

Of course, having a work from home job is much different than having a work from home business. Many people don’t really understand the difference between the two, so here’s a quick definition and some helpful tips and information to help you decide which one is best for you.

A work from home job is where you simply work for a certain company doing a set of tasks that you’re free to do, generally get paid either by the hour by salary. You don’t really have a whole lot of opportunity to move up in your income.

Free work from home jobs

Start making money – discover free work from home jobs

With a work from home business, your income is virtually unlimited; however, it is much more uncertain. Therefore, your income is directly proportional to how much time and effort you put into it. You can literally earn as much or as little as you want.

Keep in mind, however, that having your work from home business is much more risky than having to work from home job, because your income is not guaranteed. Therefore, if you are not the risk-taking type, you will probably want a work from home job instead. Also, an advantage of having a job instead of a business is that they are almost always free to start up.

So what are some good free work from home jobs that you can do from home? There are many great resources to help you find work from home jobs. While I certainly can’t go into all the different ways you can work from home, there are many ways you can find us out; simply typing in a quick search such as work from home jobs will help you find out this information.

One more quick tip: don’t ever pay money to start up with a company. If you have to pay to work from home, then you are not getting a job, you are starting a business. While there are certainly many great companies that offer you the opportunity to make a ton of money with their business opportunity, if they require you to pay up front, then realize you are starting a business, and not a job.

Thus, your income will not be guaranteed. If you are an ambitious entrepreneur type, this might be a good option for you. There are many great network marketing and mlm opportunities that, although you might have to pay some upfront cash, offer you the opportunity to start earning an executive level income your very first year with the company. Hopefully these tips will be to get on the right track to finding the best free work from home jobs to help you to start profiting from the comfort of your own home.